Microbial Proteomics Workshop in review


Sponsors: School of Life Sciences ASU, Genome@ASU, Microbiology Graduate Students Association (MGSA), Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC).

Motivation and goals:  “Omics analysis can allow a deeper mechanistic understanding and modeling of biological systems. Data generation and integration of proteomics to multiple microbial studies is a growing field where ASU's research can have an strong impact”. This is a two-day hands-on proteomics workshop intended for audiences starting (or planning) to include proteomics work with pure cultures, consortia, environmental samples (marine, freshwater, soils) and difficult samples (rocks, coal, etc. Technologies and techniques behind proteomics will be discussed, and hands-on experimental preparations and data analysis will be pursued as the core activities to this workshop.


  • Basic command line and R knowledge
  • Basic lab experience at graduate level or above
  • Time availability for all activities

Workshop schedule: ...
