Updates & News

News Alert: Flooding in the ASU Biocollections
Last Thursday-Friday night, November 16-15th 2024 a large part of the ASU Biocollections were inundated when a water mains on Alameda Avenue broke.

ASU Biocollections Tour during the 2024 Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting
Location: Arizona State University, ASU Biocollections (734 W. Alameda Dr., Tempe, AZ)

Advanced Symbiota Checklists: Workshop at the GLAL XVI
As part of the XVI meeting of the Grupo Latinoamericano de Liquenólogos (GLAL XVI), we had a great in-person workshop in Mexico

Symbiota Software Development Internship
The Arizona State University, Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC), is offering a new internship for an undergraduate computer science student to develop and maintain the Symbiota software platform code base.

Another Form of Appreciation
By Alexander Fenlon

NEON Biorepository rolling launch update
Dear Research Community:

Workshop: The Future of Systematics in Data-Centric Biology
Workshop flyers

Discovering a New Species in Nevada
This morning, I had a new paper published on the beautiful darkling beetles in the genus Eleodes - commonly known as the 'Desert Stink Beetles'. In this paper I described a new species I discovered from doing field work in Nevada during the summer of 2015.

Join us for a Day of Discovery! September 10th

Two upcoming computational biology workshops
We have two workshops sponsored by BioKIC coming up. Please register if you plan on attending so we can plan accordingly for food and for future workshops.
Deadline for registration is midnight Wednesday May 4th.

Are Herbaria Still Relevant in the 21st Century?
By Walter Fertig, Arizona State University herbarium
Originally published in Sego Lily 2016 Vol 39(1):6-8.

New course: Species, traits, and trees
We are announcing a new course, offered during Session B of the 2016 Summer:
Species, Traits, and Trees - A Hands-On Introduction to Phylogenetic Systematics.

Brian H. Reily
2015 - present: M.Sc. Student in Biology, School of Life Sciences, ASU
2014 - B.Sc. in Biology & Ecology (with concentration in Marine Biology), Louisiana State University
2012 - A.Sc. in Natural Sciences (with concentration in Biology), Baton Rouge Community College

ASUHIC detailed description of holdings
The Hasbrouck Insect Collection is named in honor of Dr. Frank F. Hasbrouck, an expert on the "burrowing webworm moth" family Acrolophidae (Lepidotera) who was recruited to Arizona State University in 1962.

ASUHIC gifts in kind
Opportunities for making gifts in kind

ASUHIC specimen transactions
Our specimens are available for study

New publication: Emerging semantics to link phenotype and environment
The following paper was published in late 2015, with Nico Franz and Guanyang Zhang as ASU co-authors.

Microbial Proteomics Workshop in review
Sponsors: School of Life Sciences ASU, Genome@ASU, Microbiology Graduate Students Association (MGSA), Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC).

Introduction to Galaxy Workshop in review
We hosted workshop in January:
Introduction to Galaxy
January 8, 2016
Presented by: Anton Nekrutenko
Organized by: Melissa A. Wilson Sayres and Nico Franz
Sponsored by: ASU's Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center

Welcome to the BioKIC Academy
This blog post introduces the BioKIC Academy program, led by Anne Basham, and focused on promoting literacy and understanding of our biodiversity ​via collection-based pedagogy.

Systematics discussion: Making globally unique identifiers work for biocollections data
Blog posts related to the ASU-SoLS seminar "Current Topics in Systematics" (BIO 494 / EVO 598), formerly posted here (with 53 posts), are now migrating to the BioKIC blog.

BioKIC Social Media Icon
This is our new BioKIC social media icon, developed by Jo Ramirez of the SoLS VISLAB, and available for use in any social media context. You can see an example of the icon in use on the