By Alexander Fenlon

During the first week of our program, we visited a lab associated with the Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research as part of our campus tour. Gawking at a worktable covered in dusty plant samples, taking puzzled glances at pouches filled with nothing but atmospheric gases, and snaking past each other as we crammed into a room-sized freezer, we were privy to myriad facets of our local ecosystem in perfect isolation: crystal-clear data.

This morning, I had a new paper published on the beautiful darkling beetles in the genus Eleodes - commonly known as the 'Desert Stink Beetles'.  In this paper I described a new species I discovered from doing field work in Nevada during the summer of 2015.

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Lichens, But Wish You Did

By Walter Fertig, ASU Lichen Herbarium

Lichens occur throughout the world but are easy to overlook because of their small stature.  These miniature plant-like organisms perform many important ecological functions.  The following compilation of lichen factoids will help you impress your friends and could make the difference if you ever appear on a quiz show and the category is lichenology (the study of lichens).

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